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King Springs - Pair

King Springs - Pair

I have used King Springs in the past and was very happy with the result, especially for the money. Springs like this are definitely the best bang for ...

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Security Safe Guards


The ModYourCar Office

ModYourCar was born in July 2002 by Dan Rucci and for almost 7 years was run by Dan out of his home office. Like any growing business, the need for staff, more space and a more professional image meant investing in a dedicated office space.

Looking back I can’t see how I actually ran and survived for so long in the small home office I had set up. It was literally busting at the seams for years! This new office means big things for ModYourCar and opens up opportunities that quite literally were out of reach before.

Always wanting to do something different, Dan saw the new office as an opportunity to create something not seen before. Rather than a typical showroom, ModYourCar offers a consultancy service where you are able to come in, sit down with a trained consultant and discuss your car in depth – giving you a higher level of service and the right advice. ModYourCar is able to help you generate ideas, options and help you make the right decisions.

ModYourCar, being a lifestyle oriented automotive shop has a consultancy area with all the latest technology and a social area with red leather lounges, 46-inch LCD and PlayStation 3 – making the ModYourCar office an ideal and true Automotive Lifestyle Shop.

Lifestyle and cars go hand in hand let’s face it. I believe your car is almost a direct representation of your personality and in a lot of circles your car can dictate your lifestyle, and vice versa. At ModYourCar we have combined the two to create what I believe is a true Automotive Lifestyle Shop.

The ModYourCar Office The ModYourCar Office
The ModYourCar Office The ModYourCar Office

The ModYourCar Office – 11/323 Newcastle Street, Northbridge WA 6003

Dan also took the opportunity to improve the online service and offering available to customers. For example the introduction of a more professional and capable phone system coupled with the new 1800 free-call number means customers are able to call at no cost and speak to a consultant.

Unlike many businesses out there in the world today, ModYourCar has systems in place that ensures that all enquiries are answered to in a timely manner, giving you a consistent and reliable level of service.

So what are you waiting for? Call ModYourCar today on 1800 MODYOURCAR to make an appointment and let ModYourCar help you with your vehicle project!